Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Higher School of Tte. José Azueta

I walk on this street
that I have come to call, so quickly,
and so presumptuously,
'our street'.
I pass broken sidewalks, leaking drainage pipes,
century-old buildings, made from bricks
that have been re-salvaged, many times over...
all made from the blood-red clay of this ground.
Open windows and doors,
some barred, some standing open...
some barred, with small, staring children sitting
with their arms and legs outside the bars,
catching the scant breeze while Mama cooks supper,
and older siblings play video games.

People. People like me, trying to make a life, carve a niche.
People who belong here...
whose great, great, and greater, parents
have lived and worshipped on the land beneath this street,
that I dare to call, 'my'.

Down the street, further,
a man lying naked, his pants too soiled to bear.
Woman, begging,
hands alternating between grasping coins
and scratching the trails of parasites,
that view her flesh as their Mother Earth.

These are my Relatives.
These are your Relatives.

Pray to your God,
that when your turn comes
to stand barefoot,
on a sharp and unfriendly rocky road,
that used to be home,
uncertain as to where you will find your next sip of water,
or what you will next swallow
to sustain your creeping, reeking body,
on its own trail of tears...
Pray that there will always be someone
who sees you for who you are...
Grandmother, Grandfather, Mother, Father,
Sister, Brother...
made in the image of our Creator.

A new prayer upon my lips,
born of this place,
that houses some of the poorest, and the wealthiest,
of my Relatives:
"Please, Father,
teach me Love...
even if the lesson hurts."

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Now, Hear This!

I am going to sing,
loudly, and out of tune.
My unsteady, cracking voice
will scrape your ears and nerves
in an off-key assault,
offensive to your sense
of how I should Be...
But, nonetheless,
today I shall sing,
badly, loudly,
and with joy!

Only Yesterday, in 1986

Scant inch of promise,
cupped in my palm,
your song already written
in the Great Book of Life...
you never had a chance.
With hot water douches
and raw fear,
I wish-washed you away...
and then,
with a rush
of tears and blood,
I flushed you away.

New Song

Your face
is my touchstone.
Each line, each small scar,
brings comfort,
and is a source of strength.
Standing face to face,
I read you...
you are poetry.
You are a song
that I want to memorize,
until I sing you
in my dreams...

Summer Storm

Ground dry and parched,
its energy and life hidden,
lying dormant.
Seeds wrapped, waiting...
enviroment far too hostile
to foster growth.
No tender sprout
could ever survive.
Thirsty ground...
dreaming of life,
its need exposed
to knowing eyes.

Scent of water
on the air...
jars, large and brimming,
slowly tip...
no patter
of stingy, drying drops,
but a torrent...
Refreshment, Life...
and the desert blooms!


Front porch sags
under weight
of accumulating garbage,
thrown away but not yet
properly disposed of.
It waits there,
in full view.
Passersby pause
to raise their eyebrows,
shake their head,
then keep walking,

The owner hates it,
resentful of the stench,
shamed by its presence.
It reminds him
of neglect, of waste
and abandoned plans.
Holding his breath,
he looks away
as he steps over it,
as though
it belongs to someone else.

No one likes
to live with a mess.
I feel sorry for him...
and for the


Standing together,
we overlook a paradise.
I love the view...
brilliant, shifting colors
pulse skyward
with the beat
of a thousand hearts,
our vision warmed
by the gentle fires
of Amethyst and Amber,
dazzling Emerald,
Sapphire and Moonstone
I have come to believe
that our loved ones
become part of who we are,
allowing us to live
as walking, working,
dancing rainbows...
and We are beautiful.
Which colors,
which shades,
which healing hues,
has my love
to you?