Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Now, Hear This!

I am going to sing,
loudly, and out of tune.
My unsteady, cracking voice
will scrape your ears and nerves
in an off-key assault,
offensive to your sense
of how I should Be...
But, nonetheless,
today I shall sing,
badly, loudly,
and with joy!

Only Yesterday, in 1986

Scant inch of promise,
cupped in my palm,
your song already written
in the Great Book of Life...
you never had a chance.
With hot water douches
and raw fear,
I wish-washed you away...
and then,
with a rush
of tears and blood,
I flushed you away.

New Song

Your face
is my touchstone.
Each line, each small scar,
brings comfort,
and is a source of strength.
Standing face to face,
I read you...
you are poetry.
You are a song
that I want to memorize,
until I sing you
in my dreams...

Summer Storm

Ground dry and parched,
its energy and life hidden,
lying dormant.
Seeds wrapped, waiting...
enviroment far too hostile
to foster growth.
No tender sprout
could ever survive.
Thirsty ground...
dreaming of life,
its need exposed
to knowing eyes.

Scent of water
on the air...
jars, large and brimming,
slowly tip...
no patter
of stingy, drying drops,
but a torrent...
Refreshment, Life...
and the desert blooms!


Front porch sags
under weight
of accumulating garbage,
thrown away but not yet
properly disposed of.
It waits there,
in full view.
Passersby pause
to raise their eyebrows,
shake their head,
then keep walking,

The owner hates it,
resentful of the stench,
shamed by its presence.
It reminds him
of neglect, of waste
and abandoned plans.
Holding his breath,
he looks away
as he steps over it,
as though
it belongs to someone else.

No one likes
to live with a mess.
I feel sorry for him...
and for the


Standing together,
we overlook a paradise.
I love the view...
brilliant, shifting colors
pulse skyward
with the beat
of a thousand hearts,
our vision warmed
by the gentle fires
of Amethyst and Amber,
dazzling Emerald,
Sapphire and Moonstone
I have come to believe
that our loved ones
become part of who we are,
allowing us to live
as walking, working,
dancing rainbows...
and We are beautiful.
Which colors,
which shades,
which healing hues,
has my love
to you?

Back from the Dead

I was almost gone.
Lights dimming,
voices as through
a wall of water.
Then a large, gentle hand
reached down into my darkness
and took firm hold on me.
All you said was,
"We're ok",
and then I was.
How could I not love you?

The Cycle

waiting waiting
wait for it
brittle expectation
keep smiling
smiling smiling
wavering between
still watchfulness
and giddy gratitude
that pretend normal
is lasting so long
this... time
love is hate
and hate
is love

Your Gifts

Just as my body
is my own,
so my mind, also,
and my thoughts,
belong to me.
You cannot inject me
with your wisdom,
nor can it be force-fed.
And so, my love,
when you bring to me
your precious gifts
of knowledge,
that you have earned,
and learned...
offer them,
then let me taste,
and drink of my choice.
It isn't that I doubt
the value of the gift,
only that I must
examine what you have
come to believe,
before I can accept it
as my own...

Monday, January 20, 2014

To My Sister

I am a tree...
strong feet planted wide
and deep,
anchoring me
to the cool, dark
body of our mother.
I am of Earth...
flesh resonating
with healing energy
rising through my soles,
my roots.
Our cycles
ebb and flow in unison,
life sustained
until it is returned,
re-gifted to the ground.

Am I a Greedy Child?

The greedy child stood
in the middle of a home
filled with good things,
all the necessities of life,
surrounded with love.
And she thought
about all the things
she didn't have.
Her mouth pulled down
into a pout,
her eyes began to fill
with tears.
She felt so sad, so...
so left out.
She didn't have... everything!
And as she stood there,
eyes blinded by tears,
she slowly lost
the ability to see, altogether.
She was blind...
blind to all that she had been given,
blind, even,
to her own strong limbs,
that were holding her upright,
in a room filled with all things good,
while she stood crying
over what she didn't have...

The Battle

A lone child stands,
screaming into the wind.
He has battled his demons
and ghosts so long,
he has grown old beside them.
His eyes are swollen
from the storm of tears,
and he swings wildly
at every touch,
unable to tell the difference
between friend and foe.
He is fiercely determined to
hold his fighting stance,
not seeing that his bones
have grown twisted,
shaped by the tortuous steps
of this cruel dance.
They would resist if ever
he were to try to walk away.
Eventually, all grow weary
of dodging blows, and
retreat to a safer distance,
to watch this solitary, 
raging figure as he battles
in an empty field...
and the wind blows, and
the grinning demons swoop,
and feint, and draw blood.
He is so very tired,
he will soon be on his knees,
and only those that care
enough to listen closely
may hear the voice
that rides the wearing wind,
crying out, "I want to stop!
Help me, PLEASE!!"

Guard Your Heart

It can slide into your heart
with all the power of a barbed arrow,
shot at point-blank range
from a compound hunting bow,
yet you may not even know
that you have just
received a death-thrust.

Your own body will betray you,
eagerly welcoming the sudden lurch,
the rapid pulse and breath.
And who would not choose such a death?
This sweet loss of lonely self,
where surrender is a joyous affirmation
of life still worth living,
and of love being enough, just by giving.

Words like,
'heartbroken, torn, shattered',
may be carelessly used,
but if you go behind the scene,
you will learn what they can really mean.
As you in horror view
what once was innocent and new,
now broken and bruised,
know that the devestation of any killing
is revealed in the obscene ruins
of jagged, weeping
Exit Wounds...

Party Girls

Do you remember her?
I know you've met her more than once.
She's a thin, fragile razor blade...
like brittle glass, she
slices to the bone
if not handled with care.
She approaches in a
deceptively innocent swirl
of chatter and smiles,
but you learn that
her attacks are quick and clever,
with a casual viciousness
that leaves you
gasping for air.
You are left standing,
smile still frozen on your face,
knowing you have been wounded,
but not yet, how deeply.
Stunned, you wonder where
all the blood is coming from,
as your skin tumbles down
in a mass of bright, curling
ribbons around you.

Who is this, who is able
to flay victims with impunity?
What is her name?
Ahh, yes, she is
Just Kidding...
and she has a sister,
known as Witty.
Although we often
try to forget,
most of us know them
all too well.
Do you?
Did a friend introduce you,
or have you perhaps even 
employed them,
to create an enemy or two?
And what could they tell me
about you? 

Taste this...

A loved one's name
flows sweet
upon the tongue,
like sun-warmed honey,
dripping from its comb.
Sweet, intoxicating, 
once tasted,
never forgotten.


waits in
this weak
and silly heart
playing an off-beat
tune for the dreams
dancing round and
round the silver


When the morning sun
breaks over the mountain
or through a bank of clouds;
when a long-awaited friend
fills your doorway
or sweeps you suddenly
into an unexpected hug;
when a lost loved one is at last found
among the crowd
that had swallowed them up...
for a moment, childhood returns.
The pure joy of one thing only
in your world, when everything else
falls away and pales to insignificance.
No games, no finding fault, no agenda.
For that moment, no multi-tasking,
no brain-storming.
How refreshing to experience
that jewel of single-mindedness,
when that which is before your eyes
is all there is.

Now, ask yourself,
should love not be the same?
Where sheer delight is found
in every tilt, and shade, and lisp...
where each of these, complete in itself,
refreshes, and yet consumes you,
with each newly discovered,
perfect imperfection.

Poor Reception

What's wrong with everyone?
When you look at people,
can you see that they're twisted,
like they're out of focus?

the storm finally
knocked their antenna over
it's laying across the garage roof
the kids got rough-housing
while they were home alone
and broke the rabbit-ears off
they're hanging
behind the bookshelf
by a thin copper thread
and the cat is playing with them

But wait...
is it Them, or is it All Of Us?
Is my vision blurred, too,
do I only see
as I want things to be?
At any given time,
do I see The News
as hilarious, or comedy
as dark commentary
on how far we've fallen?
How far?
Collectively, we reek of an odor
that cannot be washed away,
have lost the right
to hold our head up,
or to sleep peacefully at night.
We are broken.
We have not only
forgotten our Father,
but we have grown accustomed
to the rape
of our Mother.
We have been orphaned,
by our own greedy,
bloodstained hands.

So let's just try to focus
on how
we will live with that...
and what we will do
to make it right.

We, the Strong

If you have
wept your face to leather,
washed your youth away in a sea of salty tears;
if you have
discovered how to present yourself
to the world as you are, with no excuses
and nothing, no one, to hide behind;
if you have
learned the courage of
weeping without shame, head held high
and silent tears flowing like baptismal waters...
then you know
that learning
to stand tall at the epicenter of the milling crowd,
arms outstretched,
calm and naked
to cold eyes and criticism, 
is to learn
that you are who you are and you remain the same,
regardless of who is looking at you,
and you will have found
your freedom,
your peace,
your power.

we will stand,

I am a Greedy Child

Why do I have to choose?
Why can't I have both...
you know, both colors, both styles,
flavors, or sizes?

Why must,
in this universe of abundance,
excess and surplus,
must I narrow 'Mine'?

What if I love both,
so much alike, and yet,
like a mirror-image,
or a photo and its negative?

The charm that captivates
is the essence of Unique...
so why should I have to
choose, for all time,
"Salty... or Sweet?"

The Librarian

When I label, stereotype,
or attempt to fence-in
my fellow travellers
on life's road,
I take a brilliant pallette
and trade it for shades of gray.

My chiropractor
is a sexy flower-child.
The chef at my favorite restaurant
is a philosopher
who invests in the stock market
and in every person that he feeds.
Last summer,
I threw hay bales
alongside a Goth kid...
he  wore eyeliner
and black nailpolish.
And the librarian... she's a rebel!
She's an anarchist who shows her colors
in her tattoos,
and by the way she rattles the metal book cart...
loudly, with enthusiasm and energy.
No disapproving "Shhh!!" from her!

This world is changing.

I rejoice,
and gather energy
from the riot of color
around me.

Time to Sharpen up

There are days
when I feel I have no
strength at all.
My outer shell, the facade
that you all look upon,
seems to resemble me,
but lacks substance,
stability... effectiveness.

Do you have days like that?
Days when you feel like
one of those drawer fronts,
with a handle and everything,
but no drawer?

'Plastic knife' days...
when I am a laughable
facsimile of the real thing.
It's like,
"And here's a knife
for you...
but don't try to cut
anything with it..."

I wonder,
if 'iron sharpens iron',
what will happen,
if I am made of plastic?

You've got mail...

A relentless love,
whose sent letters lay unopened,
unwanted and unclaimed,
like mail delivered faithfully to a vacant house.

thrown at the page
in a lonely, frustrated rage,
others written under covers,
the words tangling, trembling together
like first-time lovers...
such pathetic effort to find the perfect words
for a song that never will be heard

But messages are meaningless unless received...
and when the silence grew,
then came sad shame,
hidden like the first blood-stained sheet.
So then I learned to wait,
ignoring the crimson pool
growing at my feet.


I saw my heart today...
it looked a little bruised,
and was on the ground at your feet.
...and though I had laid it there,
I think I was just as surprised
as you were.

Opened heart surgery

I start to harden my heart
so the stabs don't hurt as much,
but it doesn't work
when the wounds are from the inside.
The cruel accusers living within
cut efficiently, precisely,
with the voice that is my own.
...and I don't waste time,
I know
where the weak points are.

post apocalyptic nap

what if
the sun never shone, rain never fell,
food turned to dust,
the stores all closed and then just broke open,
and our tidy little world turned into hell...
could I still just phone you?
would we text
where R U, R U home,
I need U...
or would it matter anymore?
could I suddenly just start coming over,
could I curl up on your couch
and sleep in the middle of the day,
because no one cared,
they had better things,
more real things to think about...
like getting food and stuff.
it would be stupid to be worried
about who was at whose house,
minding your own business
would be easy,
'cause it would be full-time job...
the only one you had.

The Gift

"Give me a rose," she whispers,
breath soft and warm against him,
"to take with me when I leave you."
Reluctant to leave the goosedown world
of love and pillows,
he slowly tastes her skin...
a heady mixture of them both lingers there,
slightly sweet and salty.

Later, she pauses before a mirror.
Lost in smiling memory,
her eyes and fingertips
gently trace the rosy bloom,
left as a gift
from Love's own laughing lips.


my hart luvs
2 B trchrus
my tung luvs
2 strt fires
my eyes luv
2 C wat is not
my ears luv
2 hear wsprs
my hands luv
2 tak wat isnt mine
my feet luv
2 run 2 trubl
my hart luvs
2 much...


Shallow breath, fingers trembling, 
pouring privacy out,
onto a tiny, glowing screen.
How fitting a monument,
to our times,
this inadequate,  impersonal canvas.
One letter at a time, all non-essentials left out,
words and feelings reduced
to their most basic...
no sweeping gestures, here.
We prefer, no, we HUNGER for
the long, intense gazes,
the lowered eyes,
the fleeting brush of muscles under denim...
but, instead,
a solitary finger hovers,
shy and tentative, 

Flowers Weep

I leaned into your warmth, today...
breathing in, I deliberately, eagerly,
took what I could of you.
I stole it with delight,
then willed my senses to lock it away,
to where I may draw it up, like water from a well,
if you should become but a memory.

In the private garden of my mind,
your scent makes flowers weep,
knowing they have been surpassed...
for never has a flower made my heart leap,
my mouth water,
or my knees grow weak beneath me.

Like the Movies

There is a certainty within my mind...
it sprang forth, fully formed and beautiful,
the moment that my eyes found you,
and, since, it has grown, as things cherished often do.

You know how
sometimes in the movies, everything fades and blurs into a vortex,
then suddenly emerges in a single, crystal clear frame,
the culmination of the entire plot-line
up to that point?

Meeting you, was mine...

Towards this certainty, my lonely life had staggered.
My seemingly unending childhood,
with its lessons learned, its loves won and lost,
seems to have shaped me perfectly,
to fit you.

Seeking peace...

facts, figures, ideas, opinions, thoughts, dreams, wishes, wants, needs,
faces, memories, words, tunes, touches, smells, fears, doubts, regrets... HELP!!

It's far too loud, too busy, too full, too fragmented, in here...
my mind eats me alive, yet is never satisfied, never still, never... QUIET!!

Was the stillness of the delivery room shattered
when I arrived?
Were the masked figures startled
to hear the roaring between my ears,
while I was yet within the circle of my mother's womb?

And then, irony of life, they named me 'Peace'...
destined to bear the name of that which I so desperately seek,
earnestly desire, yet never find.

Therein lies the key
to why I am so irresistibly drawn to you...
because, my love,
this is as close to peace as I've ever been.
Your voice pours like healing oil over my restless mind,
and when I feel the sweetness of your warmth, I rest...
for there is nowhere that I would rather be.

Weaning Time

Air echos with sad cries
as large, wet eyes
peer through the bars and hearts pace,
seeking a way back to comfort.

A woman stands watching...
other sad tears and cries,
soft little hands patting, wanting...

Love watches, waits... knowing
it's with sighs and tears that we grow,
and that we gain power by letting go.
True love is godly... wise
even when naked pain slowly drips
from large, wet eyes.

Like Me

Back when I was young and fresh,
how sad it is, that I felt of so little value.
I should have known how precious I was...
should have felt it.
I've put a lot of miles on, now, and bear the scars
typical of a lifetime of roller-coaster joys and tears...
I love them all...
they are my badges of merit, my medals of war.
They make me who I am, and I've learned
to love much of what I used to try to overcome.
I can love the loud laugh, the raucous sense of humor,
the fact that I still blush easily, my hopes, my dreams and fears...
and that I still expect the best.
I love that occaisionally, young men still hit on me,
if only to hear my laugh,
and that old men love me, because I make them feel alive,
and how so many people
pour their woes and life-stories out to me...
I even like my body, though, at times,
I treat it like an enemy, to be conquered.
I like my arms, grown heavy with holding babies and lovers,
my scarred, large hands, and my graying hair.

I wish I had a friend like Me.


Black carousel, turning
through the circle of life,
covering the same ground,
yet every revolution,  new.

Different costume for every ride...
daughter, sister, wife, mother,
friend, foe, lover, other...
each distinct, blur together.

Wait for the night, the world
where lack of focus, limits me not,
but takes the boundaries
out, far beyond where I can see.

No longer a child, but loving the ride...
so strangely familiar, dependably chaotic.
I continue to embrace with love,
that which loves to hurt me.


Solitary figure works alone,
swaying in a shaft of sun dust.
Plucking bright threads,
she weaves.
Glowing tapestry, created with love
from memories and dreams,
half-thoughts that come
between wakefulness and sleep.

soft skin beneath fingertips
laughing lips and eyes
large hand in mine
delicious mornings
sweet, sweet perfume of you

I lie alone, eyes closed.
Only in this world, am I in control.
Here, no fear, no tears,
no disdain, nor shame...
Here, I choose.
Here, I am not the tolerated,
I am the chosen.

perfect vision

trying, struggling, failing,
sinking, dying...
heart still beating but beaten
far too often.


in your voice, your face,
in your perfect eyes,
everything I want.
I see you as you are,
and I love
all that I see.